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WLA 57.  Collegium of World Legislators.


WLA 57. Collegium Of World Legislators.

World Legislative Act 57

Collegium of World Legislators Act

Whereas, the “broad functions” of the Earth Federation include establishing a world system without war, a system that protects human rights and the environment, and one that ends poverty , and establishes the Earth as a “safe, healthy and happy home for humanity;”

And whereas, the central responsibility for fulfilling these broad functions is placed by the Earth Constitution on the World Parliament which may well include some 1500 representatives from all over the world and from all walks of life;

And whereas, no special training or specific qualifications are required for any of these representatives in the World Parliament;

And whereas, the Earth Constitution sets up various departments of the World Administration as permanent institutions designed to facilitate the purposes of the Earth Federation and the World Parliament as defined in Article One and grants the Parliament the power to establish additional departments;

And whereas, the Earth Constitution already specifies a Collegium of World Judges to sustain and empower the World Court System;

And whereas, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries humankind has begun to understand the importance of dialogue directed toward mutual understanding, and of nonviolent forms of communication in which language is not used strategically to promote partial ideologies or partial interests but rather communicatively to promote a mutual understanding that is equally in everyone’s interests ;

And whereas, these skills are especially significant for legislators of the World Parliament;

We delegates of the 13th session of the Provisional World Parliament , meeting in Lucknow, India, in December 2013, do hereby establish an administrative department of the Earth Federation known as the “Collegium of World Legislators.”

  • Purpose of the Collegium of World Legislators

    The Collegium of World Legislators shall be designed to, first, facilitate interaction, communication, and mutual understanding among the members of the World Parliament. Second, the Collegium shall be designed to inform legislators with respect to the goals, ideals, values, and mechanisms for actualizing these, embodied in the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and the Earth Federation Government. Third, the Collegium shall be designed to help legislators understand specific issues of concern to the Earth Federation government.

    • Participation in this program shall be obligatory for members of the World Parliament and participation shall be required as to how many meetings, how many hours, and as to such and such a variety of encounters as determined by majority vote of the World Parliament in joint session.
    • These meetings shall be in addition to any specific committee meetings and assignments that are a routine part of the work of World Parliamentarians.
    • All members of the World Parliament shall be considered members of the Collegium of World Legislators. The organizing department for the Collegium shall be knows as the Legislative Collegium Department (LCD).
  • Basic Administrative StructureAs per the Earth Constitution, the Collegium of World Legislators as an administrative department will be under the direction of the World Executive, and as per section 7.3 shall be headed by a Cabinet Minister and a Senior Administrator, or by a Vice President and a Senior Administrator.

    • As soon as the first operative stage is reached, the House of Counselors shall nominate these officials from qualified members of any of the branches of the Earth Federation government. Then the World Executive Cabinet may appoint administrators of this department from these nominations for five year terms.
    • During the stage of provisional world government, the Provisional World Parliament may make the nominations directly. The Executive Cabinet can then appoint nominees for three year terms, or until the next session of provisional World Parliament, whichever is longer.
    • These administrators may serve consecutive terms. They can be removed, for cause, by either a simple majority vote of the World Executive Cabinet or of the World Parliament.
  • Administrative Functions.

    • This department is responsible for setting up, staffing, and organizing the functions of the Collegium of World Legislators.
    • The department shall recruit experts in nonviolent communications, and/or in conflict resolution, and/or facilitators in communication directed toward mutual understanding to staff the permanent working organs of the Collegium of World Legislators. This staff shall be part of the World Civil Service.
  • Permanent Working Organs of the Collegium of World Legislators

    • Throughout the year, both while Parliament is in session and when not in session, the functions of the Collegium shall be offered to members of the World Parliament free of charge.
    • Meetings may be located in World Universities or other facilities around the world with a view to maximizing the ease with which legislators can participate. The goal is to serve the needs of the legislators in fulfilling this obligation and facilitating development of their communicative awareness and mutual understanding.
    • Relatively small interactive meetings shall be facilitated so that members of the World Parliament get to know, understand, and communicate with other members of the Parliament from around the world.
    • Larger meetings shall be offered to legislators directed toward understanding different specific issues, with guest speakers who are experts in those issues, such as specific conflicts, cultural differences, disarmament, environmental problems, human rights issues, etc.
    • Larger meetings shall also be organized regarding the goals, values, ideals, and mechanisms for actualizing these, as embodied in the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Government.
  • The Legislative Collegium Department may wish to recruit retired legislators who have knowledge, expertise, and willingness to share their experience with incoming, newly elected legislators. Such persons shall be employed under the same conditions as other employees of the department.

Attested, Eugenia Almand, JD, Provisional World Parliament