WLA 65. Global Sustainability Directorate:
Global Sustainability Directorate
Whereas, the UN currently coordinates with some 1400 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) representing various aspects of global civil society. Many of these organizations are concerned with environment, human rights, eliminating poverty, progressive social work (such as the empowerment of women), etc.
Whereas, there is the necessity for a dedicated office to check for the operation of a holistic, unified sustainable world system in which law, economy, and all significant aspects of our global civilization operate in harmony with the ecological balances of the Earth and therefore make possible a decent life for future generations;
Whereas, in a sustainable world system, absolutely all planning is to be sustainable or regenerative;
Whereas, absolutely all assessment is to be measured in terms of whether it is sustainable or regenerative.
Whereas, all Finance is to be sustainable and regenerative and all Quality Audit is to be sustainable and regenerative;
Whereas, the Integrative Complex agencies must have sustainability and regenerativity foremost in all the work that they do;
Whereas, the departments and ministries of the Earth Federation must have sustainability and regenerativity foremost in all the work that they do.
Whereas, Article 11of the Earth Constitution , regarding the World Ombudsmus states that: The “functions and powers of the World Ombudsmus, as public defender, shall include the following:” 11.1.3. To press for the implementation of the Directive Principles for the World Government as defined in Article 13 of this World Constitution. 11.1.10. To review the functioning of the departments, bureaus, offices, commissions, institutes, organs and agencies of the Earth Federation to ascertain whether the procedures of the Earth Federation are adequately fulfilling their purposes and serving the welfare of humanity in optimum fashion, and to make recommendations for improvements.”
Whereas, the following environmental rights are given to the citizens of Earth throughout the Earth Constitution, including Earth Constitution Article 13 which specifies: 13.09. Protection of the natural environment that is the common heritage of humanity against pollution, ecological disruption or damage that might imperil life or lower the quality of life. 13.10. Conservation of those natural resources of Earth that are limited so that present and future generations may continue to enjoy life on the planet Earth. 13.11. Assurance for everyone of adequate housing, of adequate and nutritious food supplies, of safe and adequate water supplies, of pure air with protection of oxygen supplies and the ozone layer, and in general for the continuance of an environment that can sustain healthy living for all.
Whereas, In recent decades the UN has taken on an increasingly important role as promoter, coordinator, and facilitator of sustainable development goals worldwide. The UN has recently replaced the failed “Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in effect from the years 2000 to 2015, with a new set of “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” which are to govern the effort to address climate collapse, global pollution, and the unsustainable global economy from the years 2015 to 2030. These somewhat worthy goals are undercut by the lack of a single, coordinated global authority with the resources and the legal mandate to integrate all these aspects of our world disorder into a single holistic sustainable world system. Yet such a system is the only thing that can prevent planetary disaster and give humanity and the Earth’s living creatures a decent future.
Whereas, within the UN, these initiatives largely fall under the province of ECOSOC, the UN Economic and Social Council. It is clear that economics (in theory and practice) is directly related to sustainable development as well as the multiplicity of global crises the Earth is facing from global poverty, resource depletion, pollution of air, water, land, and militarism. Solutions in all of these areas involve economic practices, principles, and relationships. ECOSOC, however, attempts to coordinate a huge multiplicity of UN Agencies, maintain relations with both other UN agencies, and coordinate with a range of independent organizations;
Whereas, “Cooperating agencies” such as the UN Environmental Program (UNEP), the UN Development Program (UNDP), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Health Organization (WHO), and UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS) are also involved in sustainable development practices, principles, and relationships. The relationships among these (dozens of) agencies have been called by some scholars “chaotic,” seriously impeding the prospects for the world to deal with, and survive, on-going climate collapse;
This Fourteenth session of the World Parliament hereby creates a Global Sustainability Directorate to coordinate the global monitoring of sustainable practices among and within agencies of the Earth Federation.
- The Global Sustainability Directorate (GSD) is created with the status of an Earth Federation ministry or department and placed under the umbrella of the World Ombudsmus. This initiative conforms to the Earth Constitution which provides that “other such agencies may be added upon recommendation of the Presidium followed by decision of the World Parliament.” The Global Sustainability Directorate, as a ministry within the World Ombudsmus, is tasked with coordinating, monitoring, and helping to implement the procedures, practices, and planning of all the agencies and departments of the Earth Federation around the principles of sustainability and regenerativity.
- The Global Sustainability Directorate (GSD) shall coordinate and direct human efforts worldwide:
- to convert to truly sustainable economic, social, and cultural practices to minimize the effects of climate collapse;
- to distribute the burdens of climate-change equitably;
- to unite the planet against the common threat to our existence; and
- to envision a future of reasonable, sustainable equity and prosperity for all Earth’s citizens.
- Representatives from all relevant UN organizations now involved with sustainable economics, development, or practices as determined by the GSDCC shall compose a Global Sustainability Directorate Creation Committee (GSDCC) . This shall include representatives from ECOSOC, UNEP, UNDP, FAO, UNESCO, WHO, and UNCHS, among several others deemed relevant. The GSDCC shall determine the detailed scope, powers, and specific functions of the GSD.
- In formulating its goals, the GSD Creation Committee (GSDCC) shall take into account the work already done by the UN, for example, in formulating the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of 2000- 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) projected for 2015 to 2030, the recommendations of the Global Population Council, etc.
The GSD shall coordinate scientific efforts to study climate change and sustainable practices in all areas of human life (air, oceans, forests, agriculture, meterology, settlements, etc.).
The GSD shall submit proposed world legislation to the World Parliament in the attempt to comprehensively bring the practices of humanity into sustainable balance with the ecosystem of the Earth.
The GSD shall work with all other relevant ministries of the Earth Federation and the agencies of the Integrative Complex to form coordinated and comprehensive policies of sustainability for our planet
- The GSD shall specifically incorporate and coordinate the many quality scientific programs and commissions associated with the UN, such as the following:
- the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN); and
- the Joint Consultative Group on Policy which collaborates efforts between the UNDP, UNICEF, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Food Program (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The GSD does not substitute for these and other UN programs oriented toward sustainability but coordinates and empowers them with the goal of creating a unified sustainability system for our planet.
- The World Parliament hereby creates a Global 3 Sustainability Directorate Fund of one trillion (&1,000,000,000,000) Earth Hours per annum . As with other general operating funds of the provisional Earth Federation, unspent funds accummulate within the specific fund of the provisional Earth Treasury. The funding for all these groups and others shall be maintained or increased to levels as decided by the United Nations Integration Committee, subject to review by the World Parliament. The UN Transition Committee shall transfer UN funding lines to comparable lines within the Earth Financial Administration. The World Parliament will allocate substantial funding for the GSD and GSD worldwide operations commensurate with the need to transform the practices of humanity to sustainability as rapidly as possible.
- In articulating the scope and functions of the GSD, the GSDCC shall take into consideration, and incorporate as much as possible, the specific goals of the Earth Emergency Rescue Administration (EERA)envisioned in World Legislative Act Number 6 adopted at the second session of the Provisional World Parliament. However, scientific knowledge regarding environmental matters has progressed since WLA 6 was passed to the point where careful review is needed for some of GSD specific objectives. The current Legislative Act, therefore, supplements WLA 6 with respect to both some of EERA goals and the organizational structure that WLA6 proposes for the EERA.
- Each of the following agencies shall nominate representatives to the GSDCC: the Presidium of the Earth Federation, Institute on Governmental Procedures and World Problems (IOWPWP), the Agency for Research and Planning (ARP), and the Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment (ATEA), as well as one representative from each of the 28 Departments of the World Administration, two from the World Ombudsmus, two elected by the World Police Captains, two elected by the five Attorneys General, and two from the World Judiciary.
- For the governing structure of the GSD, the GSDCC shall take into consideration the governing composition and processes found in the World Constitution for the 7 agencies of the Integrative Complex as found in Article 8.2.2, Article 8.3.2, Article 8.4.2, Article 8.5.2, Article 8.6.2, Article 8.7.2, and Article 8.8.2. The GSD shall involve in some fashion all the people of Earth, all businesses on Earth, and all relevant agencies of the Earth Federation Government in a coordinated effort to convert the world to sustainability, equity, and truly lasting environmental protection.
- The Creation Committee presents to the Presidium the organizational shape, mandate, and scope of the GSD. Final adoption is subject to approval by the World Parliament.
- The committee shall make recommendations to the World Parliament within 6 months of committee formation. GSDCC may ask for an extension of time from the World Parliament, but with the understanding that GSD rapid formation is imperative for the future of humanity.
- During the period of formation of the GSD, and GSDCC deliberations, the specific sustainable environmental practices and initiatives of all UN agencies continue to operate with the present or increased UN funding.
- With the rapid approval of the GSD by the World Parliament (in special session if necessary), the GSD shall assume oversight, monitoring, and leadership of all these sustainable development initiatives and their organizational and financial structures with the purpose of coordinating and empowering the initiatives into a focused worldwide effort to mitigate the disastrous effects of climate collapse and to convert the economic, social, and cultural practices of humankind to universal sustainable principles (which include reasonable economic equity and eliminating extreme poverty).
- Once in operation, the GSD has the prerogative, in the elections process producing nominees for the House of Counsellors, of recommending one nominee for each of the 20 World Administrative and Electoral Regions. The GSD may promote these nominees to the students and faculty of each Region, to be vetted and elected to the House of Counsellors from each region as described in Article 5.5.3 to 5.5.6 of the Earth Constitution. (Viable UN Agencies pledged to the 4 Earth Constitution which are in themselves research institutes or universities may of course each make direct nominations to the House of Counsellors.)
- The World Parliament will recognize global civil society organizations to observe and participate in deliberations, though without direct vote, in the World Parliament decisions. The Global Sustainability Directorate shall recognize global civil society organizations to observe and participate in deliberations, though without direct vote, in the Global Sustainability Directorate decisions.
- The UN currently coordinates with some 1400 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) representing various aspects of global civil society. Many of these organizations are concerned with environment, human rights, eliminating poverty, progressive social work (such as the empowerment of women), etc. These organizations have representation at the GSD.
- Under World Legislative Act # 29 for a Global People’s Assembly, the World Parliament will provide facilities in regions around the world for meetings of the GPA and the GPA’s smaller body, the Delegate’s Council. World Parliament urges all non-governmental organizations associated with the UN to register with the Global People’s Assembly to participate in the activities of the GPA and to help choose members of the Delegate’s Council. The Delegate’s Council, representing the Global People’s Assembly shall choose 10% of representatives who are to be voting members of the GSD.
- The Delegate’s Council in coordination with the Global People’s Assembly shall develop procedures to nominate and elect Delegate’s Council representatives to the GSD.