Human beings are self-aware beings. To realize the significance of this is to live in astonishment and awe. We are the universe become aware of itself. Consciousness that is aware of itself and able to identify this self-awareness as “I” opens us to the awesome wonders of human...
Human beings are rapidly heading toward a planet that will no longer support higher forms of life. The implications of living on a finite planet, with a delicately interwoven set of ecosystems comprising...
Dr. Joseph Romm has mastered the scientific research on Climate Change. He has worked, studied, and written within the domain of climate science for many years. This book synthesizes his substantial knowledge and systematically describes our human situation in the light of the devastating future into which we are headed if we do not make d...
Climate Crisis. A chorus of climate scientists and environmental experts have predicted the possible extinction of humanity within the next century if dramatic, worldwide changes are not made in the way we treat our planet in the process of extraction, production, consumption, and disposal. Tipping point after tipping point (points ...
The Earth Constitution is the foundation for authentic global democracy. This article explains both the fundamentals of what democracy is and why the Earth Constitution best satisfies these criteria. It not only presents the pattern for a transformed and redeemed world system, but m...