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Collegium of World Judges

Collegium of World Judges

Article Nine of the Earth Constitution establishes a Collegium of World Judges of 40 to 60 highly qualified members of the Judiciary from which the various benches of the World Supreme Court System are staffed. To enable the development of this Collegium, the Provisional World Parliament at its 12th session in Kolkata, India, December 2010, passed World Legislative Act # 48 as an enabling act for the Collegium of World Judges.

That session of the Parliament included some prominent legal minds, such as Justice A.P. Misra, former Supreme Court Justice of India and Madam Saraswathi Devi, internationally known barrister from Malaysia and former President of the International Women Lawyer’s Committee against Human Trafficking. A number of justices or former justices from various countries have already joined the Collegium of World Judges.

The Latin American office of the World Constitution and Parliament Association in San José, Costa Rica, under the direction of Lic. Celina Garcia, has been working for several years to establish the first bench of the World Supreme Court system in Costa Rica: The Bench for Public Cases. Costa Rica as a nation is sympathetic to this initiative. We have been offered a venue for the court and have also received the support of ambassadors to Costa Rica from both Ecuador and Venezuela.

Many thoughtful people worldwide know that our planet Earth lacks any meaningful enforceable laws beyond the level of sovereign nation-states. Many are also aware that concerned world citizens of foresight and vision have been calling for an Earth Federation under a World Parliament at least since the time of World War One. Supreme court and high court justices from the world’s nation-states are often particularly aware that the various international courts now in operation, such as International Court of Justice(ICJ)International Criminal Court(ICC), and the regional courts of human rights, are all hamstrung in one way or another, lacking the power of mandamus, lacking universal jurisdiction, and lacking mechanisms for the enforcement of court decisions. The world court system as it now exists is wholly inadequate to the needs of humanity.

Under the auspices of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI), the Collegium of World Judges is leading the way towards a future with democratically legislated enforceable world laws, regulated by an effective world court system. To learn more about this trailblazing institution, we invite you to visit the Collegium’s website at:
Collegium of World Judges – Adopted 27 December 2010, by the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament