The Mission of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) is to realise the dream of Sir Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar, the leader of the Indian delegation to the San Francisco Conference in 1945. He said in his concluding speech on the floor of the United Nations "...I go back with the hope, maybe the assurance, that here at San Francisco we have taken a step; we have made a move; we have advanced; and that sooner or later, perhaps sooner rather than later, there will be that far-off Divine event to which the whole creation moves: the convocation of the parliament of man, the establishment of the Federation of the World."
(Source: Documents of the United Nations Conference on International Organization San Francisco, 1945 Volume XI Commission iii Security Council Page.178)
Sir. Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar Leader of Indian delegation to San Francisco Conference, speaking at UN
WCPA through its sustained actions seeks:
- World Federation: Promoting the formation of a "World Federation" of nations of the world, as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo, the great visionary.
- World Government: To be achieved in progressive stages, is a democratic, non-military, federal world government, that can solve world problems peacefully, and administer those affairs which transcend national boundaries for the benefit of humanity everywhere.
- World Constitution: The world government is governed by the Constitution for the Federation of the World, which was drafted over 23 years with the efforts of innumerable world citizens and adopted on June 29th, 1977.
- World Parliament: The World Parliament represented by the representatives of the people of the World Federation will have the mandate and power to enact necessary world legislation, as provided in the Constitution for the Federation of the Earth.