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World Electoral Districts

World Electoral Districts

Under the Earth Constitution, the people of Earth will elect a House of Peoples composed of 1,000 representatives from electoral districts all over the world. The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) is currently in the process of studying census information and consulting with professional demographers to draw the boundaries of each district.

When the districts have been determined, all Members of our organization will be invited to join a Global People’s Assembly, which will hold virtual meetings online. Voting will be conducted using a secure blockchain-based system with a unique digital ID for each participant. This state-of-the-art technology is under development by partners experienced in the field.

Members of the Global People’s Assembly residing in each district will elect one delegate to the Provisional World Parliament, which is the predecessor to what will ultimately become the House of Peoples. We expect this electoral system to be gradually implemented during the 2020s.

The development of World Electoral Districts will also enable the people of the world to vote to ratify the Earth Constitution, in a way that demonstrates geographical balance and conveys legitimacy to the ratification process. More information and a timeline for these plans will be posted as it is determined.

If you are interested to join the Global People’s Assembly and vote for a delegate from your geographical area to the Provisional World Parliament, we invite you to become a Member of the Earth Constitution Institute.

World District Template can be accessed here: World District Template