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World Legislative Acts

World Legislative Acts

These acts of the Provisional World Parliament create a model, an ideal, and an emerging living reality all at once. They are a concrete quasi-legal reality under the very real authority of the Earth Constitution. Together they illuminate the kind of world we want to live in and need to live in if we are to survive and flourish on this Earth.

As such, they are part of an emerging Earth Federation movement and government that is liberating humankind into a decent future and a truly humane and civilized world economic and political system.

Their authority is the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. The world is left with the moral, practical, and legal necessity and legitimacy of uniting under the Earth Constitution, the only truly legitimate authority left on Earth. The Provisional World Parliament is actualizing the imperative, inherent in our human situation, for binding world law. This provisional world legislation serves as building blocks: elaborating, modelling, and extending the legitimacy, authority, and cogency of the emerging Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution.

Provisional World Legislative Acts (WLAs), while contributing to an emerging world legislative dimension of world culture, are not binding on the ratification process for the Earth Constitution, nor on the World Parliament once it becomes activated. The Earth Constitution will be ratified exclusively in its own terms in Articles 17 and 19. These legislative acts will be available to the newly assembled World Parliament to ratify or not as it chooses.

List of Provisional World Legislative Acts: World Legislative Acts – The Earth Constitution Institute