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16th Session Registration

16th Session Registration



Role of India in an Emerging New World Order - 2022

Role of India in an Emerging New World Order

LOCATION: The entire Convention will be held in Hybrid Mode 

Tentative date Opens on Human Rights Day.

The Convention on the Role of India in an Emerging New World Order is being convened by the India Chapter of World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), in association with Earth Constitution Institute and Earth Federation institute. WCPA is an international body that meets under the authority of Article 19 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Even prior to ratification under Article 17, the People of Earth are empowered by the Earth Constitution to begin Provisional World Government. See www.earthconstitution.world

This Session of the Role of India in an Emerging New World Order is an historic event bringing humanity a giant step closer to global democracy, peace, justice, and sustainability.

Representatives of countries, NGOs, and advocacy groups are welcome to attend as either Delegates or Observers. Delegates must be personal signatories to the Earth Constitution and represent a constituency, nation, or embassy. They also may be elected from the World Electoral District in which they reside. Observers are not signatories to the Constitution but rather interested parties. They are welcome to register as observers and participate as moderated by the Chairperson of the Role of India in an Emerging New World Order.

To register, use the link form below. The registration committee will get back to you with further details:

For more information contact:

Role of India in an Emerging New World Order Session Registration Form.

  • Global Visionary: will be honoured with a special plaque from the Provisional World Parliament, with special recognition on our websites and on the dais of the PWP event.
  • World Ambassador: will be honoured with a special plaque from the Provisional World Parliament and with special recognition on our websites.
  • World Partner: will be honoured with a special plaque from the Provisional World Parliament and with special announcement of their names in PWP Session.
  • Global Citizen: will be honoured with a special Certificate and a Memento.
  • Peace Activist: will be honoured with a special Certificate.

After successful registration and approval by the Screening Committee of the WCPA, the payment link and allied information will be sent on your email for further necessary action.